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dog food

Returns and Refunds

If you change your mind about the product you may cancel your order within 14 days of receiving the items under the Distance Selling Directive. Products can only be returned if they are unopened and undamaged. Please note that in this case you will need to pay the return delivery charge. However, we will give you a full refund of the product once it is received by us and provided it is in a good condition.


In cases regarding any of the chew products they must be undamaged. However if you have any other issues with these products, please contact us and we will consider the complaint

While every effort is made to supply high quality goods as shown, if the goods arrive damaged or are different to your order, we will send you a replacement or a refund for the full amount including the original delivery charge. For any claim to be accepted, we must be notified within 5 days of receiving your order. If you do need to return any products to us, please quote your original order number, found on your confirmation email and the receipt, stating the reason for return. We will replace the product free of charge or refund you the total cost including your return postage, please specify your preference. This does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer. There are certain exceptions to our standard return policy, which have been laid out by the manufacturer.


Lupine: Any Lupine product that becomes chewed or damaged may be returned to us and replaced.

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